What is Meditation?
Meditation is a method to familiarize our mind with virtue. The more familiar our mind is with virtue, the calmer and more peaceful it becomes. When our mind is peaceful, we are free from worry and mental discomfort and experience true happiness. If we train our mind to be peaceful, we will always be happy even under the most adverse circumstances. However, if our mind is unpeaceful, we may find ourselves in the most pleasant external circumstances and still not be happy. Therefore it is important to train our mind through meditation.
The Advantages
& Benefits of Meditation
Similarly, our mind becomes unusually bright and clear when the otherwise incessant flood of our distracting thoughts is calmed by concentrating on the breath. We should remain in this state of calm for some time. As the restlessness of distracting thoughts diminishes and our mind comes to rest, deep happiness and contentment naturally arise from within us. This state of contentment and well-being helps us to cope with the busyness of everyday life.
Much of our stress and tension comes from our mind, and many of our daily problems, including our poor health, are caused or amplified by this stress.
We can already reduce this stress by a daily breathing meditation of only ten or fifteen minutes. We will experience a calm, wide feeling in our mind and many of our usual problems will disappear. We will be able to cope with difficult situations more easily, we will become naturally warm and benevolent towards other people, and our relationships with them will gradually improve.
Meditation is a virtuous mental action, which is the main cause to experience mental peace in the future."
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Our Meditation offer
in Zürich & Surroundings
Our meditation classes are for everyone - from absolute beginners to experienced meditators. Themes and meditations are drawn from the wisdom of Buddha, but are presented in a way that is relevant for everyone - regardless of religious beliefs.
Each class consists of two guided meditations and practical and inspiring explanations of how meditation and other practices can help us to better deal with the problems of daily life and to experience more happiness and inner peace.