Lamrim 600
Lamrim 600 2

Lamrim retreat

17–20 October 2024
with Gen Kelsang Gyalchog

Wir alle haben das Potenzial zur Transformation – eine grenzenlose Kapazität für inneres Wachstum. In diesem Meditations-Retreat erhältst du schrittweise praktische Anleitungen zu den «Lamrim-Meditationen», basierend auf dem Buch «der Spiegel des Dharma mit Ergänzungen». Diese Meditationen beinhalten die Essenz aller Weisheiten und Lehren Buddhas. Wenn du diese Meditationen regelmäßig praktizierst, führen sie zu dauerhaftem inneren Frieden und Glück. Die Retreatsitzungen werden von buddhistischen Gebeten begeleitet, um Segnungen & Inspirationen für die Meditation zu erhalten.

Das Retreat beginnt am Donnerstagabend um 19:00 Uhr und endet am Sontagmittag.


CHF 10 pro Retreatsitzung




KMC Switzerland

Reserve your place now

What to expect

All meditation sessions are guided, include a talk, Buddhist prayers and quiet time for contemplation and for meditation. During breaks, there is plenty of time for walks and to spend time with like minded people.

During the retreat, everyone is encouraged to limit distracting activities, especially the use of cell phones and digital devices, to enhance the meditative experience and discover the profound benefits of meditation. 

walk man

The teacher

Gen Kelsang Gyalchog studiert und unterrichtet den Kadampa-Buddhismus unter der Leitung des ehrwürdigen Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche seit 1993. Er war viele Jahre lang Zentrumslehrer im Nalanda Zentrum in Luzern sowie im Menla Zentrum in Locarno. Dank seiner langjährigen Erfahrung zeichnet er sich darin aus, Meditation und zeitgemäßen Buddhismus auf eine fundierte und dennoch zugängliche Art und Weise zu vermitteln.

He serves as an example of how it is possible to combine the spiritual life of a Buddhist monk with a modern lifestyle.

Course Information

CHF 10 pro Retreatsitzung

25% Ermässigung für Retreatkosten für Studenten, AHV und IV 

CHF 10 Mittagessen



Do 17. Oktober 2024

19:00–20:15 Uhr Session 1

Fr–Sat 18.–19. Oktober 2024

9:00–10:15 am | Session 1
11:00–12:15 pm | Session 2
12:30–14:00 pm | Lunch Break
15:00–15:40 pm | Heart Jewel (optional)
17:00–18:15 pm | Session 3
19:00–20:15 pm | Session 4

So 20. Oktober 2024

9:00–10:15 am | Session 1
11:00–12:15 pm | Session 2

The live stream option for this event is only available with a centre membership. Find out more here

Eine Suppe mit Salat, Brot, Käse und Hummus wird jeweils am Freitag- und Samstagmittag für CHF 10 angeboten.

in German

This event takes place at Kadampa Meditation Center Switzerland (KMC), Mirabellenstrasse 1, 8048 Zürich Altstetten

Frequently asked questions

Yes - Everyone is welcome at Kadampa Meditation Center Switzerland. No one is excluded, no matter what your background or beliefs are. The methods and practices taught here are suitable for everyone, no matter how much experience you have.

No - Please come as you are. At KMC Switzerland, chairs and meditation cushions are provided for seating. If you like to sit on the cushion, we recommend that you wear comfortable clothing. Traditionally you will be asked to take off your shoes before entering the meditation room. We have floor heating and socks if needed.

No - Many people who come to our events have little or no experience. It doesn't matter if you have tried to meditate before without much success. Everyone finds meditation challenging in the beginning because our mind is naturally very busy. Kadampa Meditation Center is a perfect place to train in meditation.

Yes - Our meditation room is at ground level and we lay out ramps for the few steps we have.
