Vajrasattva Head
Vajrasattva Vajra

Vajrasattva Retreat

Introduction with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang
07–10 November 2024

In this retreat, we will focus on the four special ways to remove negative karma known as the ‘four opponent powers’ using the sadhana «Meditation and Recitation of Solitary Vajrasattva». By doing this, we remove karmic potentials that not only give rise to painful experiences but are obstacles to attaining spiritual realizations. Buddha Vajrasattva is the embodiment of the completely pure mind of all the Buddhas. By receiving his purifying blessings, we can free our mind from the negativity of our past, obstructions to our spiritual practice, and experience a light, joyful mind.

Buddha Vajrasattva is the synthesis of the complete purity of all the minds of all the Buddhas. When we receive his purifying inspiration and blessings, we can cleanse our negativities and thereby free ourselves from all our heaviness and problems. In this way we can attain a happy and pure mind.

For beginners, the introduction is recommendable.



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KMC Switzerland

Reserve your place now

was erwartet dich und wie bereite ich mich für das retreat vor

The retreat begins with an introduction on Thursday evening, followed by four retreat sessions on the following retreat days. Each session lasts one and a quarter hours and consists of sung prayers (dedication to the spiritual master) in English and silent time the purification practice of Buddha Vajrasattva. You are warmly invited to participate in one or all of the retreat sessions. For beginners the introduction is recommended.
To prepare for the retreat, we recommend reading the sections listed below in the following books in advance:
What is a retreat?
Heart Jewel, S 67–69

Developing the wish to engage in purification practice

Chapters on Karma:

Joyful Path of Good Fortune pp.273-317

How to Transform Your Life pp. 41-55

How to engage in purification practice

Practice of confession: Joyful Path of Good Fortune pp.88-92

Four opponent powers: Bodhisattva Vow pp. 63-79

Meditation and recitation of Vajrasattva: New Guide to Dakini Land pp. 88-99

Gen-la Kunsang in Zürich square

The Teacher

Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang ist äußerst erfahren, sehr respektiert und ist seit über 30 Jahren eine enge Schülerin des ehrwürdigen Gueshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Sie ist die nationale spirituelle Direktorin für Österreich, die Schweiz, Italien und Südafrika und unterrichtet nationale Festivals und Dharma-Feier in diesen Ländern.

Dank ihres reinen Beispiels und ihrer liebevollen Güte hat sie die Bewunderung und Zuneigung vieler Schüler auf der ganzen Welt gewonnen. Ihre Lehren sind kraftvoll und klar.

Course Information

Einführung CHF 20
Einzelne Sitzung CHF 10

Thur 7 November 2024

19:00–20:15pm | Introduction

Fri–Sat 8–9 November 2024

9:00–10:15 am | Session 1
11:00–12:15 pm | Session 2
12:30–14:00 pm | Lunch Break
15:00–15:40 pm | Heart Jewel (optional)
17:00–18:15 pm | Session 3
19:00–20:15 pm | Session 4

So 10. November 2024

09:00–10:30 Session 1
11:30–13:00 «Offering to the Spiritual Guide»–Tsog Puja



KMC Switzerland has a little, but a very cozy dormitory room.

CHF 25 per night, incl. breakfast.

This retreat takes place at Kadampa Meditation Center Switzerland (KMC), Mirabellenstrasse 1, 8048 Zürich Altstetten

Registration for the live stream and for participation on site is required

Click here for helpful information and how to get there

Frequently asked questions

Yes - Everyone is welcome at Kadampa Meditation Center Switzerland. No one is excluded, no matter what your background or beliefs are. The methods and practices taught here are suitable for everyone, no matter how much experience you have.

No - Please come as you are. At KMC Switzerland, chairs and meditation cushions are provided for seating. If you like to sit on the cushion, we recommend that you wear comfortable clothing. Traditionally you will be asked to take off your shoes before entering the meditation room. We have floor heating and socks if needed.

No - Many people who come to our events have little or no experience. It doesn't matter if you have tried to meditate before without much success. Everyone finds meditation challenging in the beginning because our mind is naturally very busy. Kadampa Meditation Center is a perfect place to train in meditation.

Yes - Our meditation room is at ground level and we lay out ramps for the few steps we have.
