Meditation für die Familie sq

Meditation für die Familie

Meditation and Play Afternoon

Sundays, 10:00–11:30am

mit Karolina & Valentina Schweizer

2 February / 2 March
18 May / 15 June 2025

At these events, children aged 6 to 12 have the opportunity to get to know meditation. They playfully engage with various mindfulness topics such as inner peace, love, patience, consideration, and appreciation of others. This takes place under the guidance of experienced meditation leaders and is supported by creative activities such as painting, crafting, and playing.

At the same time, there will be a guided meditation session for the parents.


CHF 20
(CHF 10 for every other child)


6–12 years old




KMC Switzerland

Reserve your place now

Course Information

CHF 20 per child
(CHF 10 for every other child)

10:00-11:15 Uhr
Meditation & games

Afterwards, there's an opportunity for the children and their parents to enjoy some refreshments and snacks at the café.

This event takes place at Kadampa Meditation Center Switzerland, in Zürich Altstetten. For address and travel information click here

Click here for helpful information and how to get there
