Frei von Schmerz 600 birds
DAniela 600

Meditation Challenge

«Beyond Pain»
Part 2 Weekly Training

Wednesdays, 18h30–20h00

17 April–15 May 2024
with Gen Kelsang Devi

After the starter retreat, we embark on a regular and weekly cultivation of the spirit of renunciation through a five-week meditation series. On these Wednesday evenings, we have the opportunity to deepen and strengthen this mindset within ourselves. Each evening begins with a relaxation meditation, followed by a lecture on the evening's theme, which is deepened each week. A concluding meditation focuses on the theme of the evening. Finally, we invite discussion and collective reflection, where questions can be asked.

The weekly training (part 2) takes place on Wednesdays from 18:30-20:30 at KMC Switzerland in Zurich and is led by Gen Kelsang Devi.

Information about the "Free from Pain" Meditation Challenge Part 1 & 3 can be found here


CHF 20 per evening


English with German translation


KMC Switzerland

Reserve your place now
GD 800

The Teacher

Gen Kelsang Devi is the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Center Switzerland and Kailash International Retreat CenterShe is a modern Buddhist nun and highly experienced teacher of the New Kadampa Tradition, who has been engaged in the study and practice of Kadampa Buddhism for twenty-five years under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

During this time Gen Devi has engaged in extensive silent meditation retreat and has also taught and skilfully guided numerous group retreats around the world.

Gen Devi’s experience makes her teachings and guidance in retreats very powerful, clear and practical. Her joyful warmth and humour make them accessible to everyone.

Course Information


CHF 20 per evening
25% reduction for AHV/IV and students


In English with German translation

Live Stream

The live stream option for this event is only available with a centre membership. Find out more here


Payment can be made in advance via credit card/paypal or also on site (cash/credit card)


Kadampa Meditationszentrum Schweiz, Mirabellenstrasse 1, 8048 Zürich
