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May there be lasting world peace and may all living beings find a meaningful life

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso rinpoche

International Buddhist Festivals

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche ist ein wahrhaft internationaler Lehrer, dessen Motto lautet: «Jeder ist willkommen». Buddhas Beispiel folgend sind seine Unterweisungen für jeden ohne Unterschied zugänglich.

Each year there are three international festivals: spring, summer and fall. The first two take place at Manjushri KMC in England, the mother center of modern Kadampa Buddhism. The Fall Festival is held on a different continent each year, so that everyone in the world has the opportunity to participate in these inspiring international festivals. These festivals provide a precious opportunity to joyfully study and practice modern Kadampa Buddhism Kadampa Buddhism in a truly international context.

Buddhistische Internationale Gemeinschaft

Kadampa Festivals

are the ideal places to practice Buddhism and meditation, surrounded by hundreds of people from all around the world

Festival Crowd Italians

Meaningful Holidays

These festivals are taught by leading Kadampa teachers and include Buddhist empowerments, teachings and retreats.

In addition to teachings and meditations, these festivals also provide a precious opportunity to meet and practice with like-minded people from around the world. After these international meetings, one not only returns refreshed and relaxed, but also spiritually recharged.

Everyone welcome!

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Erfahre Neuigkeiten aus der Kadampas Welt
