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Meditation Workshops

with Brunch

Saturday, 10:00am–1:00pm

16 November 2024
At our popular Meditation Workshops you can expect inspiring explanations on the topic, accompanied by guided meditations. During the break there is a homemade vegetarian/vegan brunch to enjoy.
Diese Meditations-Workshops  zu verschiedenen Themen, sind für Anfänger/innen wie auch für Fortgeschrittene geeignet. Mit den neu gewonnen, positiven Sichtweisen kann jeder lernen, negative Gedanken loszulassen, um innere Ruhe und inneres Wohlbefinden zu entwickeln.


CHF 45




KMC Switzerland

Finding joy

Negative Gedanken
in Glück verwandeln​
24. August 2024
mit valentina schweizer
in German

In unserem Meditations-Workshop konzentrieren wir uns darauf, negative Gedanken in Glück zu verwandeln, insbesondere das Gefühl der Eifersucht und Unzufriedenheit. Eifersucht kann uns belasten und unser eigenes Glück verhindern. Heute lernen wir, diese negativen Gedanken zu erkennen und umzuwandeln. Anstatt uns von Eifersucht und Unzufriedenheit beherrschen zu lassen, verwandeln wir sie in positive Gedanken.

Stellen wir uns vor, wie die Freude anderer uns inspirieren und motivieren kann. Indem wir Eifersucht und Unzufriedenheit loslassen, öffnen wir unser Herz für authentische Freude und schaffen eine positive Umgebung, die nicht nur uns, sondern auch anderen Zufriedenheit bringt. Gemeinsam entdecken wir, wie wir aus negativen Gefühlen Glück schöpfen können.

A balanced heart

The foundation of all good relationships
16 November 2024
with Gen Kelsang Gyalchog

Many of our daily problems arise due to our unbalanced minds towards others. We tend to either gravitate strongly towards those we like or find attractive or harbor anger and hatred towards those we perceive as enemies or unattractive. In encounters with strangers or individuals who neither attract nor repel us, we often default to indifference. These unbalanced attitudes breed attachment, fuel unrealistic expectations, ignite anger and aversion, and foster a sense of apathy. These states of mind perpetuate daily frustrations, anxieties, and a pervasive sense of boredom.

Während dieses Retreats,  erkunden wir, wie wir eine warme und freundliche Einstellung gegenüber allen kultivieren können – ein ausgewogenes Herz. Indem wir solche echte Warmherzigkeit entwickeln, wird unser Geist friedvoll, und wir fühlen uns unabhängig von unseren Umständen und mit wem wir auch immer zusammen sind, nicht gestört. Jeder und jede Situation kann dann eine Quelle des Friedens und des Glücks für uns werden.

Course Information

A participation is only possible on site.

CHF 45

25% reduction for AHV/IV and students 

To confirm your booking for the meditation workshop, a deposit of at least CHF 15 is required. Please pay either the full amount or the deposit using a credit card or PayPal.

Payment can be made in advance via credit card/paypal or also on site (cash/credit card)


Saturday, 10:00am–1:00pm
10:00–11:00am | Workshop Session 1
11:00–12:00am | Brunch
12:00–01:00pm | Workshop Session 2

During the break there will be a homemade vegan and vegetarian brunch to enjoy.


Frequently asked questions

Yes - Everyone is welcome at Kadampa Meditation Center Switzerland. No one is excluded, no matter what your background or beliefs are. The methods and practices taught here are suitable for everyone, no matter how much experience you have.

No - Please come as you are. At KMC Switzerland, chairs and meditation cushions are provided for seating. If you like to sit on the cushion, we recommend that you wear comfortable clothing. Traditionally you will be asked to take off your shoes before entering the meditation room. We have floor heating and socks if needed.

No - Many people who come to our events have little or no experience. It doesn't matter if you have tried to meditate before without much success. Everyone finds meditation challenging in the beginning because our mind is naturally very busy. Kadampa Meditation Center is a perfect place to train in meditation.

Yes - Our meditation room is at ground level and we lay out ramps for the few steps we have.
